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BAE User Manual
1 Introduction
2 Circuit Design
3 Packager
3.1 General
3.2 Packager
3.3 Backannotation
3.4 Net List Utilities
3.4.1 Importing Logical Net Lists
3.4.2 Importing Physical Net Lists
3.4.3 Exporting Net List Data
3.4.4 Net Attributes
4 PCB Design
5 IC/ASIC Design
6 Rule System
7 Utilities
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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: BAE User Manual :: Packager :: Net List Utilities
Bartels AutoEngineer® - User Manual

3.4 Net List Utilities

Bartels AutoEngineer® Dokumentation

Within the Bartels AutoEngineer design process the net list is usually created with the Schematic Editor. Besides that BAE provides the subsequently mentioned utilities for creating and/or converting various foreign ASCII net list formats. See also chapter 7 for a detailed description of these utility programs.


3.4.1 Importing Logical Net Lists

Importing logical (i.e., unpacked) net lists to the Bartels AutoEngineer requires a subsequent Packager pass to prepare for the layout design. A DDB library file for the Packager process including all of the requested layout symbols and logical library entries is required.

The netconv (Logical Netlist Conversion Utility) program is used to transfer logical net list data from BAE ASCII format to internal Bartels AutoEngineer format ready for processing with the BAE Packager.


3.4.2 Importing Physical Net Lists

No packaging is required when importing physical (i.e., packed) net lists to the Bartels AutoEngineer. Nevertheless, a DDB library file including all of the requested layout symbols must be available for the subsequent layout design process.

The conconv (Connection Conversion Utility) program is used to transfer physical net lists to the Bartels AutoEngineer. Supported ASCII net list formats are BAE, CALAY, MARCONI and RACAL. Net lists from other systems can often be written in one of these formats providing a convenient link between other schematic systems and the powerful BAE layout system.

The redasc (REDAC ASCII Input Interface) program is used to transfer layout data from Redac MAXI system, i.e., redasc converts layout symbols, part lists, net lists, placement information etc. from Redac CDI ASCII format to internal BAE DDB format.


3.4.3 Exporting Net List Data

Either the Bartels User Language programming facilities (see the Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide for details on how to apply Bartels User Language) or the userlist (User Programmable List Generator) utility program can be utilized to provide tools for exporting net list data in arbitrary formats. Use your editor to create a userlist script named netlist.usf with the following contents:

EXTENSION = ".nl";
    PRINT(PARTNAME:-5,"(",$plname:-8,") : ");
        IF (NETPINCOUNT > 1)

Use the following userlist call to run the netlist.usf userlist script to export the (physical) net list board from job file demo.ddb to ASCII net list file demo.nl:

> userlist netlist demo board Return/Enter Key (CR)

The above userlist call produces the demo.nl net list file with the following contents:

NETLIST board;
c100 (chip1210) : 1(vss)2(vdd);
c101 (chip1206) : 1(vss)2(net);
ic10 (dil14   ) : 1(@7)10(@9)11(@2)12(@3)13(@9)14(vdd)2(net)
k1   (relais  ) : a1(vdd)a2(@14)c1(vdd)c2(vdd)nc1(bus.out1)
r100 (r04a25  ) : 1(@7)2(@6);
r101 (r04a25  ) : 1(@5)2(@4);
r102 (r04a25  ) : 1(@11)2(@9);
r103 (r04a25  ) : 1(@3)2(@2);
r104 (minimelf) : 1(@2)2(@8);
r105 (chip1206) : 1(net)2(vdd);
s1000(s1dilo  ) : 1(@7)2(net);
s1001(s1dilo  ) : 1(@5)2(net);
s1002(s1dilo  ) : 1(@11)2(net);
s1003(s1dilo  ) : 1(@3)2(net);
s1004(s1dilo  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1005(s1dilo  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1006(s1dilo  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1007(s1dilo  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1008(s1dilo  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1009(s1dilo  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
v1   (to92    ) : 1(vss)2(@8)3(@14);
v1000(d04a25  ) : a(@14)k(vdd);
x1000(xsubd9bl) : 1(vss)4(bus.out0)5(bus.out1)6(bus.out2)7(bus.out3)

Use the following userlist call to run the netlist.usf userlist script to export the (logical) net list board_log from job file demo.ddb to ASCII net list file demo.nl:

> userlist netlist demo board_log Return/Enter Key (CR)

The above userlist call produces the demo.nl net list file with the following contents (note the different pin designators and $plname settings when comparing to the preceding example):

NETLIST board_log;
c100 (c       ) : 1(vss)2(vdd);
c101 (c       ) : 1(vss)2(net);
ic10 (cd4081  ) : a(@7)b(net)y(@6);
ic11 (cd4081  ) : a(@5)b(@6)y(@4);
ic12 (cd4081  ) : a(@11)b(@4)y(@9);
ic13 (cd4081  ) : a(@3)b(@9)y(@2);
k10  (rels    ) : a1(vdd)a2(@14);
kk100(relc    ) : c(vdd)nc(bus.out1)no(bus.out0);
kk101(relc    ) : c(vdd)nc(bus.out3)no(bus.out2);
r100 (r       ) : 1(@7)2(@6);
r101 (r       ) : 1(@5)2(@4);
r102 (r       ) : 1(@11)2(@9);
r103 (r       ) : 1(@3)2(@2);
r104 (r       ) : 1(@2)2(@8);
r105 (r       ) : 1(net)2(vdd);
s1000(s_1dil  ) : 1(@7)2(net);
s1001(s_1dil  ) : 1(@5)2(net);
s1002(s_1dil  ) : 1(@11)2(net);
s1003(s_1dil  ) : 1(@3)2(net);
s1004(s_1dil  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1005(s_1dil  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1006(s_1dil  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1007(s_1dil  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1008(s_1dil  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
s1009(s_1dil  ) : 1(net)2(vss);
v1   (tr_bc517) : b(@8)c(@14)e(vss);
v1000(d       ) : a(@14)k(vdd);
x1000(x_subd9b) : 1(vss)4(bus.out0)5(bus.out1)6(bus.out2)7(bus.out3)

3.4.4 Net Attributes

The BAE Packager provides functions for transferring arbitrary net attributes. These attributes are set with special (user-defined) net attribute symbols on SCM sheet level using the Assign Value function from the Symbols menu. Logical library entries must be defined for packaging the net attribute definitions. Figure 3-3 illustrates how to define and use net attribute symbols and corresponding logical library entries (see also chapter 7.11 for a detailed description of the loglib utility program).

Figure 3-3: Net Attribute Definitions

Figure 3-3: Net Attribute Definitions

Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: BAE User Manual :: Packager :: Net List Utilities

Net List Utilities
© 1985-2024 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 26 January 2007, 17:23 [UTC]

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