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User Language Programmer's Guide
1 Introduction
2 Language Description
3 Programming System
4 BAE User Language Programs
4.1 User Language Include Files
4.1.1 Standard Include Files
4.1.2 Schematic Include Files
4.1.3 Layout Include File
4.1.4 IC Design Include Files
4.2 User Language Programs
4.3 User Language Program Installation
A Conventions and Definitions
B Index Variable Types
C System Functions
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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: User Language Programmer's Guide :: BAE User Language Programs :: User Language Include Files
Bartels User Language - Programmer's Guide

4.1 User Language Include Files

Bartels AutoEngineer® Dokumentation

This section provides a list of the User Language include files distributed with the Bartels AutoEngineer software. The include provide frequently used functions and definitions and are extensively referenced from the User Language programs shipped with the BAE software.


4.1.1 Standard Include Files

std.ulh (STD) -- Standard Include

The definitions and declarations from the std.ulh include file are compatible with all User Language Interpreter environments of the Bartels AutoEngineer (i.e., Schematic Editor, Layout Editor, Autorouter, CAM Processor, CAM View and Chip Editor, respectively). std.ulh provides general utilities and definitions for BAE software configuration query, data conversion, display management, error handling, menu and/or user interaction, internationalization, workarea manipulation, etc.

baeparam.ulh (STD) -- BAE Parameter Access

The definitions and declarations from include file baeparam.ulh are compatible with all User Language Interpreter environments of the Bartels AutoEngineer. baeparam.ulh provides definitions and functions for accessing BAE parameter settings. baeparam.ulh includes the std.ulh source code file (see above).

pop.ulh (STD) -- Popup Utilities

The definitions and declarations from the pop.ulh include file are compatible with all User Language Interpreter environments of the Bartels AutoEngineer. pop.ulh provides advanced popup utilities and definitions for BAE software configuration query, menu-driven file and element selection, directory list generation, popup message handling, menu and/or user interaction, etc. pop.ulh includes the std.ulh source code file (see above).

popdraw.ulh (STD) -- Popup Drawing Functions

The definitions and declarations from the popdraw.ulh include file are compatible with all User Language Interpreter environments of the Bartels AutoEngineer. popdraw.ulh provides general utilities and definitions for performing icon and button display and graphical output to popup menus and for maintaining toolbars. popdraw.ulh includes the std.ulh source code file (see above).

mnu.ulh (STD) -- Menu Functions

The definitions and declarations from the mnu.ulh include file are compatible with all User Language Interpreter environments of the Bartels AutoEngineer. mnu.ulh provides advanced popup and menu utilities such as text display menu, string query edit mask, color setup menu, BAE product info popup, menu and/or user interaction, etc. mnu.ulh includes the pop.ulh source code file (see above).

sql.ulh (STD) -- SQL Utilities

The definitions and declarations from the sql.ulh include file are compatible with all User Language Interpreter environments of the Bartels AutoEngineer. sql.ulh provides a series of useful SQL database management utilities. sql.ulh includes the pop.ulh source code file (see above).

xml.ulh (STD) -- XML Utilities

The definitions and declarations from the xml.ulh include file are compatible with all User Language Interpreter environments of the Bartels AutoEngineer. xml.ulh provides a series of useful XML file import and export functions. xml.ulh includes the std.ulh source code file (see above).


4.1.2 Schematic Include Files

scm.ulh (SCM) -- SCM/Schematic Editor Utilities

The definitions and declarations from the scm.ulh include file are compatible with the Schematic Editor User Language Interpreter environment of the Bartels AutoEngineer. scm.ulh provides SCM utilities for data conversion, SCM element copy, SCM element rule assignments, etc. scm.ulh includes the std.ulh source code file (see above).


4.1.3 Layout Include File

lay.ulh (LAY) -- Layout Utilities

The definitions and declarations from the lay.ulh include file are compatible with the Layout Editor, the Autorouter and the CAM Processor User Language Interpreter environments of the Bartels AutoEngineer. lay.ulh provides utilities for data conversion, geometric calculation, net list data evaluation, layout element copy, layer name query, etc. lay.ulh also provides utilities for accessing and applying Bartels Rule System features in the BAE layout system. lay.ulh includes the std.ulh source code file (see above).


4.1.4 IC Design Include Files

icd.ulh (ICD) -- IC Design Utilities

The definitions and declarations from the icd.ulh include file are compatible with the IC Design Chip Editor User Language Interpreter environment of the Bartels AutoEngineer. icd.ulh provides utilities for analytical geometry, IC Design element copy, layer name query, etc. icd.ulh also provides utilities for accessing and applying the Bartels Rule System features in the BAE IC Design system. icd.ulh includes the std.ulh source code file (see above).

Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: User Language Programmer's Guide :: BAE User Language Programs :: User Language Include Files

User Language Include Files
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